RailModeller - Software

RailModeller - Review
Neale Monks
All things considered, the good things about RailModeller far outweigh most of the niggles mentioned, the sole exception being the lack of gradients and overpasses, a feature that some designers will find awkward. It should be stated though that this failing doesn’t mean you can’t design railroads or racetracks that have gradients and overpasses, all it really means is that your designs won’t look right in the 3D View mode. All the other aspects, such as easy connection of track pieces and the useful Part-list work just fine.
So, the bottom line is that RailModeller is a useful application at a low price that does its job extremely well. It’s easy to use and very versatile, and compared to the old fashioned way of designing railroads and racetracks, an absolute godsend.
Pros: Very easy to use; track options for all the major scales and brands; lots of useful features
Cons: Can’t model gradients or overpasses; 3D view somewhat limited; Stock and Part-list options depend on each other, but aren’t obviously connected in the user interface
System requirements: Mac OS X 10.3 or higher; Universal Binary
MyMac.com Rating: 4 out of 5
Comment: I've used this software for my RunMyTrains.com G Scale layout.