Thursday, July 17, 2008 at 4:37PM
TackyTed in Crossville, Cumberland, Display, G scale, Garden, HO Scale, Knoxville, Model, N Scale, Nashville, O Scale, RailRoad, RailRoads, Tennessee, Trains, Z Scale


This was the Old CMRC WebSite 2004-2007

Thanks for YOUR 100,000 Smiles over the years :-)
Supports Garden RailRoads

  G scale, also known as garden scale, is a popular model train scale used for outdoor garden railroads.
It is the largest of the commonly available model train scales and is characterized by its large size and robust construction.

In G scale, the ratio between the model and the real-life size is typically around 1:22.5 or 1:24.
This means that objects modeled in G scale are approximately 22.5 to 24 times smaller than their real-life counterparts.

Due to its size, G scale trains are well-suited for outdoor use and can withstand various weather conditions.
They are often used in garden railways and are known for their realistic appearance and the ability to accommodate intricate detailing.


These SnapShots are the past works of Our Old G Scale Friends!

 Lights Out


 Lite Out


more LightsOut




As of Feb 28.2023 cmrc Mall Display was CLOSED

This CMRC (G Scale) Garden RailRoads

Contact Info bellow

The Old Crossville Model Railroad Club can be found at
931-210-5050 **  931-210-5050

 Nashville is to the West  Map Knoxville is to the East
Chattanooga is to the South





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Article originally appeared on Crossville G Trains (
See website for complete article licensing information.